Freedom comes, when you realise that you already are![]() Are you truly FREE to be? . This post I know might poke a few bears out there which as I'm writing this, am laughing at myself with the irony of me making that a thing. . FREEDOM . Do you think and know that you are already free? . If not, what is the reason for that? Are there situations where you feel others are infringing on your rights and telling what you can and cannot do? What you can or cannot say or share, or even what thoughts to think!? Or do you walk around like a light breeze where no-one questions your being? . For those that buy into the notion that your outside world reflects your inner-world may know what I'm talking about here. . If the outside is poking, prodding, and triggering you into believing that you are not free in some way, then what or who is creating the JAILS and controls inside of you? . We're doing the best we can with what we know and have. So I'm not saying I've totally nailed it and know the answers on this topic. But I'm curious and I know on an intellectual level that 'I AM ALREADY FREE TO BE' - I just don't think I am. . For me, I go within and look at what beliefs and types of people I am allowing to constrain and control me. Where have I bought that belief and where and when have I put others in a position that is greater than me and given my power away? . More often than not it's an angry parent or belief that anyone who is an adult knows better as I bought the belief - 'listen to what they say, they're an adult' . The other thing we might not dare to look at, is where we are being constraining, dominating and controlling towards others. . There are gradients of these roles and types and quite a few spiritual teachings talk about that battle is really a battle in our minds. . That battle being the judgements and conflicting beliefs we have about ourselves and others. <-----This is a huge topic for a lot of people across the planet. Are we ready to own our 'stuff' and the thoughts we broadcast out? The signals are very strong! . Everyone is doing the best they can with what they have. So what truly IS possible for us to be FREE? . If we do not think or know that we are already free, well then what are we creating in our outer world? . For those that are ready to delve deeper into the inner psyche to acknowledge what's ready to be seen, what are you now aware of that you were not before that is creating the controls and dominance in your life? . Also, what's right about all of this we're not getting? What if this crazy sh*t that's going on out there is the nudge you require to choose the choices you have been putting off: e.g. - start the business you desire - create that alternative school you know is required - connect more with your community - start growing your own food - learn more practical skills - learn new healing skills - phone that friend - share that technology that contributes to all sentient beings - utilise your super powers to create beyond what is - and and and or are you still busy being angry at a the world? #pokethebear That's okay - you're allowed to be angry. We've all been lied to on so many levels . How much ease can we all have with emboding the truth that we are already FREE TO BE?