So it seems I am being prompted to share this as this was not just for me. So wherever you see YOU, yup it is YOU we are addressing! A message that seems to be relevant with what's happening around the world at the moment. Perhaps it is still relevant regardless of the timestamp. Here's a message from the Arcturians 4th August 2015: 'There are many changes that are being felt on many levels, Your physicality as well as your energy bodies and your environment. Your earth is also going through a similar shift and it is being felt by all – I am sure this is nothing you did not know already What we are here to share with you is that some of the changes are quite profound, quite revolutionary if you like. It will radically change how people see the world and there will be those that will feel discomfort around these changes. We can only advise that you are aware of this and to be in the flow and be centered to the changes that are taking place. As always this is the key message when influxes of energy are received – to remain centred and re-centred. For some it will seem like chaos and that their world is falling apart. Fear will come up for many – however the key message is that people will start asking questions and start questioning what is true for them. They may at first seem numb/disorientated to all that challenges their reality. What is real anymore, then there may be those who will be angry at the world – and those that feel cheated and lied to. Revenge, anger, hate and fury will come up until they release that which no longer serves them and seek forgiveness in others and themselves This is where YOU and many others are part of the transitional team. To hold that vibration of another way of being. That there is choice and ‘hope’ for want of a better word. We come to you to confirm if you wish your learning, the contribution you can be to others. By being the space for those to heal, and share words of compassion that will assist others with increasing their awareness, and tools that will assist them with knowing that they know. It is indeed tempting to get wrapped in other people’s drama, and talk at their pace and tone as a way to ‘get through to them’. Remember that being the space is enough for people to be at calm and ease with their releasing of old wounds. Do not feel that you have to do or say anything. We come to you now in this way as a confirmation to be prepared to be aware! Group together with your ‘vibe tribe’ as it were to share the tools of compassion and beingness. For your journeys have not been in vain. Share your learnings with others. So simple. And know that this does not have to be ‘elaborate’ or ‘fancy’ methods. Gone are the old ways of teachings and ascension. Many of you have ‘risen’ to the challenge as it were. To remember and bring in a different frequency, different possibilities of living life with ease. Suffering is no more, for you are done with those karmic cycles. So assisting others to find their way is much ‘easier’ than perceived. They do not have to walk the path you have walked. It is but merely choice! Choice and awareness that you/we are infinite beings with infinite possibilities. A different reality is possible when we choose a different way! Fear is an illusion, the features of a game that has been over played now. A new game or paradigm exists when you choose it. We now realise this also, as many of you are exploring and questioning what else is possible. This karmic cycle has applied to many in this space (and what was dimensions) for the realisation that we are only bound by our own rules and beliefs has meant that what we are truly left with is choice. All the ‘noise’ of drama and roles you are playing out with so called epic scenes are all being played by choice. Awareness is your guide! And we will of course assist you if you require! The winds are in relation to the changes that are occurring on your planet'
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