![]() Are your magnetic hooks attracting those energetic crooks that are playing havoc and disrupting your life and living? . What are magnetic hooks? These magnetic hooks or imprints are unprocessed memories and experiences that are held in our energetic field or biofield. . When 'stuck' these imprints can behave like magnets, impacting our field and our physical wellbeing, attracting similar (normally unhealthy) situations and people into your life and living. . Examples of magnetic hooks can be: - Unprocessed emotions - Impressionable experiences - Shocks and traumas - Outdated or incongruent beliefs - Exposure to continual stress - Abuse (of any kind - mental, emotional, physical) - Toxic environments and so on and so on. I am mentioning this more in my posts, as we are seeing a rise in this 'awakening' energy across the planet which means more unprocessed 'magnetic hooks' will be become more apparent. . People are desiring better, greater, shinier, more and demanding something else - because they are done with the status quo. . As we've seen in the past 2-3 years especially, the sh*t has certainly surfaced for review. What people do with it and how they process that is another thing. . In order to receive that which you desire, you are inevitably going to be face to face with the 'stuff' that's getting in the way. At the moment a lot of people are experiencing that on the outside stage. (yah - a lot of provocative actors out there!) . 'Government should step down' 'Anti-vaxxers are being inconsiderate and selfish' 'Oh they're just being a conspiracy theorist' 'The elite are trying to kill us' 'They are evil people' 'Police are agressive' 'They are stopping me from living my life' 'I've lost my job because of them' 'I can't believe they've just cancelled me/them/they/that' 'You are just being anti-me!' . And many other voices that have surfaced that want to be heard and acknowledged and right. . As you rise up and embark on the healing journey, you will become aware of what really lies behind those voices and what was pushing and pulling at your life giving you the strife. . You may feel a whole plethora of responses and reactions as you see more and more and more being revealed to you. And you see what was behind that, and behind that and so on. . We all have some unaddressed hurt, trauma and experiences we wish can be blamed on someone else. Even though that 'blame, shame and maim game' may be part of your healing process, there is another space where you get to perceive how that 'magnetic hook' came into being in the first place. . And that it can be finally be released using whatever your preference of self-awareness methodology. Meditation, systemic constellations, breath-work etc. . It really is possible. Anything is possible . Will you join me in that place and space, of possibilities?