Look here! Look there!
No this is important! No thanks, I don't really care What is relevant?What is true? Who or what story is dominating you? Observers keep the plot in play As they silently watch on But wish it would go away Car-crash tv has become the norm Many waiting for the next thunder storm What if we can choose to unsubscribe From repeats that only serve to divide Dare we choose to live a life Where it does not involve the trouble and strife? For survival is what we've been accustomed to But you and I know that it's all a bit poo Did you know that this is really not your lot? And that you can really change your ill fated plot? The lines that write your hand of fate Can be changed with choice and yes, without the click bait So I heard there is a story that is to unfold Of glory days that's full of gold Golden moments where we all get to thrive And it is up to us to keep that alive There are many out there who already live this way Showing that it IS possible to go beyond what other people say You may have seen them passing by With a lightness in smile that melts your 'end is nigh' Have you met those people that make you feel That possibilities DO exist and that they are real!! Did you sense the tingles and lightness in your being? Well, I wonder how many more of those people you will be seeing? For asking is part of what you are required to do For a world you would like to see that's not just about the poo Then choosing a choice you are inspired to take With a dose of gratitude, and make sure it's not fake! Acknowledge what is, and head up high To a state of being where you feel you want to fly For it is there you will rendezvous With all you have been asking for without all the goo So find a moment to take this all in Unless you all really enjoy being kicked in the proverbial shin -Yee Ley <3
![]() 2020 Vision The tug of war between light and dark Is the polarity dance that has been for eons What seems to be a game of push and pull Was actually a source sparked inspired initiation Planets created and cycles were born From the fabric of the templates divine stated The pieces to play the game of life Impulsed the story lines that seemed ill-fated Many platforms created and stories were told That echoed and imprinted across the lands The spectrum of the e-motions that we all played out Well the earth is certainly not labelled bland!! 'The world is a stage' and that we forgot As our roles consume our reasoning The stories that were handed down have blinded our plot Propelling reason for more treason-ing 💡💡💡💡💡💡💡💡💡💡💡💡 The time has come for the next plot twist As the chaos hits the fan Conscious explorers of the 'all there is' Have been demanding a different plan And so it is, and here it has come The actors on earth have been given time to review The space to question and time of contemplation Of what we actually came to earth to be and do What seems like lock down and pains of separation Is actually the space to see To acknowledge what was and what actually is And to consciously choose what will be The hurt and drama of yesteryear Has been handed down many generations The grief and sorrow that fuelled our actions Now is required to be freed to cleanse our nations ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 'The hunters are being hunted' Only to be set free By the white hats of consciousness So that we have the option to flee From this polarity dance That we're all tired of The templates are a bit worn The game of 'not enough' What will you be inspired to be and do? If you knew there is a new game beyond all of this goo Where you knew that the Universe has your back And that no-one has to believe in lack Open, honest and vulnerable we'll see With our roles being challenged, who else can you be? Wobbles we'll experience that is for sure As our foundations are rocked, and shake us to our core 🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏 Know that love is reaching for you Beyond the skies and all you knew For source/universe/god is wanting you to know That suffering is not what we came to be and do This is a moment for us to shine And move humanity into the sublime We seem to be good at rising up So can we do it now without the dramatic plots? What more is possible for us to see? Where it involves us all, the unseen beings and plants and the trees? Know I'll be there to hold your hand* As we raise the vibe and walk these lands For there is a place where you can breathe That has golden honey with the birds and the bees There are a few that know it's there And they'll be waiting for you with love and care 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 With loving kindness <3 Yee Ley - March 2020 |