Do you know where you are functioning from, and what you require in that space?Do you know where are you at now, and what you require to shift gears? When life throws curve balls at you, are we all equiped with the appropriate tools and information to navigate our way through that with ease? Or is it a constant struggle, being faced with yet another metaphorical egg your face? After tripping over several times in my own life, I'm getting better with navigating my way through this life with less damage to myself and others, creating more lightness in my life as I use the tools I've gathered along the way. I'm still learning and gathering more intel, as new hurdles come up! After going through a few trips, I began to notice familiar phases of this 'getting through life' business. From my own experience and observations of clients stories, the phases we can experience on varying levels of intensity are:
So whether that's you, a client, friend, colleague or family member that is going through this, I find it useful to know where one is at, so we can communicate accordingly and pull out the appropriate tools for the occasion. There is no phase to achieve or stay at, as life will tend to steer us into another experience to give you feedback on how ya doing. I've experienced cycling through all 4 phases in 1 day so you can have mini cycles as well as larger cycles through these life phases. For me it's about refining one SELF, letting go of what no longer serves, and being adept at navigating your way through obstacles and any monsters that may appear on your path. Life Alchemy is about creating and generating the life you truly desire. Putting you back in the drivers seat of your life. So in this article I'd like to share those different phases I've experienced and observed, and what one can be and do in those phases. WELLNESS![]() Let's look at WELLNESS - aka 'first aid' required: These are individuals that are experiencing one or many of the following: illness, physical dis-ease, stress, hurt, anxiety, trauma, chaos, overwhelm, tiredness, confusion, pain or depression. These people want to be nurtured and looked after. The are feeling low mood wise and/or energy wise. Sometimes these people just want a hug and be held. They will not be in the mood to hear 'just fake it till you make it', or 'just be happy', and will probably want to punch you in the face if you suggest 'hey, chin up, life is not that bad' or 'you create your own reality'. These people will be looking for a sense of wellness in their life, and require input from specialists, medical experts, wellness practitioners, counsellors, healers, or therapists etc. They require a sense of relief from the state of discomfort. They will benefit greatly from support from others and are perhaps learning how to receive and learning how to put themselves first. What can you do if you find yourself in this state?
Self Awareness![]() This SELF AWARENESS phase is where the individual is ready to receive the awareness of what their choices have been creating in their life thus far. The individual feels ready to have a look at self and the role they had played a part in the past & in current situations. They are willing to have self-responsibility of their life and perhaps looking at healing deeper ingrained unhealthy patterns. In this phase, people are ready to try out some tools for themselves, so they can feel empowered to make inspired choices to help them come unstuck. They may be still triggered and still require 'first-aid' as they get used to self-development and self-awareness. They may open up to vulnerability and be able to share with others in a group setting. They are ready to attend classes, courses, retreats to help them better understand themselves and others. What can I be or do here?
Conscious Creation![]() This phase is where individuals are ready to take leadership and ownership for their choices in life. They are more aware of their awareness. They are aware of the energy signals they are sending out. They are keen to access more tools to upkeep their mental hygiene. They are ready to go deeper with their healing journey and ready to face what was previously too difficult or too painful to look at before. They are ready to explore what else is possible in the world and dare to go beyond a little bit further outside their comfort zone. They may even want to share their experience and learnings with others or up level their business in some way. Being aware of ones choices and coming out of the judgement of those choices allows for conscious-creation or 'conscious-choicing'. What can I be or do here?
In-Story![]() Perhaps you are a parent, a teacher, a healer, an activist, a painter, a musician, a politician and so on. There are many roles to play and we can have multiple roles with many different actors in our play. Most people on the planet are 'In-story' and that's okay, that is part of the game of life. Except for when it's not working for you anymore! When you are 'in story', the other phases above can apply to this phase too. One can be: - 'in-story' and require wellness, or - 'in-story' and self awareness, or - 'in-story' and conscious creation Here are some questions you can ask yourself when in-story:
What can you be or do here?
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