Aqua Gold Copper Alchemy™
I'm really loving the alchemy crystal bowls from Crystal Tones and this was one of the first ones I bought from fellow sound healer Annie (Higher Realms) who is also a distributor for Crystal Tones in NZ. It's probably a good thing she only brings a few in at a time to save creating a dent in my bank balance as they are delicious to play but also classed as the 'Rolls Royce' of the crystal bowls out there the $price tag goes along with that too. They claim that they have "a unique patented manufacturing process which is available ONLY with their bowls". They certainly do sound different to other crystal bowls I have in my collection as you only have to tap it gently and it rings out what seems like forever. This particular one wanted to come home with me after Annie helpfully guided me through the new imports at that time. This alchemy bowl is made out of aqua infused with gold and copper. It's also known as the 'consciousness conductor' due to its properties and that it certainly seems to be. Most associated the aqua with the throat chakra and communication, gold with alchemy and transformation and copper with conduction. So it seemed a perfect companion for me with the work I do with my voice. Annie only told me this information after I selected the bowl intuitively. This alchemy bowl has been in many of my sound baths as well as one to one sessions. I sometimes tone with it, sing with it and sometimes not. I sense different light beings and codes come through when it's played on it's own. For several clients I noticed that it wanted to be placed in the upper left side of the client when they were laying down and perceived a golden thread connection being created and/or strengthened. This happened for a few months, then it changed again. It's interesting collaborating with all the sound instruments I have, whether it singing on it's own or together it seems to be perfect for that moment for that person or persons. Sometimes it does not want to be played. They certainly let you know when they are ready to move on. And this one...well there's a lot more play to be had together! I will be posted more about the other instruments I use now. I wonder what other instruments I can collaborate with that will be joyous and fun? In sound resonance - Yee Ley x Aqua Gold Copper Alchemy™ D# Note, 8" Frequency: 309 HZ Aqua Gold Copper hamonizes the energetic optimism of gold with the aura of copper, one of the most important energetic transmitters.
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